As I was catching up on messages, I noted how many blogger friends and tourism folks were writing about summer’s end and fall coming.

I love autumn – esp. apples (made my first homemade apple pie of the season this weekend), pumpkin patches, football, apple cider, popcorn, my anniversary and hubby & I’s bdays. My son plays fall travel baseball and my teen daughter preps for choir and drama productions in late October.
My blogger friend, Lacie @ Life Down Our Lane posted something that really struck a cord: Wrapping up our summer!~~pictures from our weekend camping trip. It’s mostly little side trips.
I noticed it was mostly pics of getting there and just hanging out? That’s why our family DOESN’T LIKE TO FLY – we miss all the good stuff along the way.

Our KIDS LOVE I-75 book is the best example of this. Unlike our other books that discover every nook and crannie of the state, the I-75 book reviews places we’ve been to maybe a dozen times! Every, I mean every, time we travel south, we have to stop at Buddy’s BBQ for pulled pork, Lane Peaches to watch the peaches march along the conveyors, stop for a snack of Peach ice cream cones and chocolate covered pecans at WE’re Nuts!, and every time we enter Florida – a glass of juice at the Welcome Center.
Of course, there’s about 400 attractions we give you the skinny on, too – like watching freighters, inventors workshops, sharks, horses and manatees.
And you know what, we wouldn’t have those priceless moments and favorites if we flew south vs. road trips and side-tripping.

Just a thought as you plan those spontaneous weekend road trips to local pumpkin patches or regional festivals – remember the journey is just as important as the destination…
Question: What do you do to say good-bye to summer and welcome autumn and back-to-school?