Many probably don’t know exactly how to prepare for longer trips. Most wonder: What should I be doing to prepare my house while we’re away?

As the family that’s been to 1,000 different cities and over 5,000 places around the Eastern half of the country, we understand. Honestly, it takes a checklist – one similar to the one we’ve put together here – to keep this sometimes frazzled mommy mind on track.


2 Days Before Trip

Return library materials that come due while you’re away

Find a good book to read at the local bookstore/library or download e-book.

Do Laundry

Clean House (no mom wants to come home to a mess)

Pay bills / Banking (have some cash on hand)

If a friend or neighbor cannot collect your mail, make arrangements for it to be held at the Post Office.

Eat leftovers and sandwiches to use up perishable items in fridge & pantry

Make an arrangement with a neighbor, friend or relative to check your home periodically.

Arrange for lawn care or snow removal. Ignoring these areas will make your house stand out in the neighborhood and announce to everyone that you are gone.


Fill up gas tank

Charge cell phones

Run dishwasher

Pack snack bags and kids’ travel backpacks

Pack suitcases. Begin lining them up in foyer.

Day of Trip:

Toss or freeze perishable bread, milk, meats and cheeses.

Take out the trash

Fill the gas tank of your traveling vehicle

Water plants

Secure care of pets

Empty dishwasher. No dirty dishes in sink. No standing water.

Unplug computer and TV. Pack laptop.

Turn off water and/or put water tank on vacation

Set thermostat

Disconnect garage doors

Close windows and secure exit doors

Make sure oven/stove are OFF (better yet, don’t cook the day you’re leaving).

Out the door:

Flip breaker on garage doors OFF

Grab purse / wallet

Secure lock. Set alarm.

Don’t forget to grab your destination KIDS LOVE TRAVEL guidebook! Place it on your dashboard for handy reference.

Ok, you’re ready to go and create some new family memories! No Worries.