Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History – Kennesaw, Georgia
The true story behind the old Disney movie, “The Great Locomotive Chase,” is what the Southern Museum is all about. The museum’s star attraction is The General, a steam locomotive nabbed by Yankee raiders in 1862 just 100 yards from where it stands today. The daring band of 22 planned to drive The General north to Chattanooga and destroy Confederate supply lines along the way. Rebels manned a locomotive of their own and chased The General, full throttle, for 100 miles until the raiders were forced to abandon ship. Most were captured.
But the Museum doesn’t end there. Peek into Glover Machine Works: An interactive presentation detailing the train building process, from metallurgy and patterns to casting and construction helps visitors experience life as a factory worker. Kids can etch a pattern on paper and touch wooden molds. Their giant displays of how to build train parts engage kids, too.

The Education Center is a highlight! Child play interactives include tapping out Morse Code; driving a simulated train; a giant toy engine; and multiple train tables.

My take: The best part of this Smithsonian Affiliate museum is the layout. The education center is in the middle, at just the right point where kids get antsy. The interactives are easy to understand and it’s roomy. Also, most museums show the introduction video at the beginning, before you tour. The Southern Museum chose to have showings near the end, for impact. After you leave the theater, you pass a “depot” and go under “Tunnel Hill” to have your eyes wide open to the General, larger than life! The gift shop is right after that display and it’s big and wondrous! You will be tempted…
Kennesaw – 2829 Cherokee Street NW (I-75 exit 273 west) 30144. Phone: (770) 427-2117. www.southernmuseum.org. Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 9:30am-5:00pm. Closed New Years, Thanksgiving and Christmas time. Admission: $10.00 adult, $8.00 senior (65+), $5.00 active military/students w/ID, child (3-17). FREEBIES: ask for scavenger hunt.